- This event has passed.
May 16, 2024 - May 19, 2024
We are going back to Rosman, NC to fish the Davidson River and N. Fork French Broad areas! This was so fun last year. We are participating as a team in a big river cleanup with Headwaters Outfitters on Saturday (optional). Signup HERE. Make sure to signup for the river cleanup , if you will participate!
Arrival day. 5PM educational talk by Headwaters and dinner hangout at the onsite taproom with food truck.
Friday fishing. Guides are available or DIY. Dinner plan TBA (maybe a cookout).
Saturday 7am-1pm River Cleanup with Headwaters Outfitters and other business sponsors. Breakfast, lunch and transportation to cleanup site provided. Live entertainment in the afternoon. Saturday night dinner at The Falls Landing 828-884-2835 https://www.thefallslanding.com
Sunday fishing or departure.
Lodging Possibilities:
Sunset Motel, Brevard, NC
Call the front desk to make your reservation and get the 10% discount for this event. Sunset Motel agreed to hold 8 rooms for FFI, but by April 1 they will start to release unreserved rooms to other customers.
Davidson River Campground (828) 877-3265 https://www.fs.usda.gov/recarea/nfsnc/recreation/camping-cabins/recarea/?recid=48130&actid=29
Lazy J Campground (828) 966-3834 https://lazyjcampground.com
Adventure Village 828-384-2253 https://www.theadventurevillage.com
Some Dining Options:
Ecusta Brewery and https://ecustabrewing.com (828)-845-2165
Gordingo’s Restaurant (828) 966-2337 https://www.gordingos.com/menu
Dugan’s Pub 828-862-6527 https://www.duganspub.com
Rod / Reel Suggestion
3 to 5 weight ; 7.5′ to 10′
Fly Suggestions:
Provided by Patrick Weaver, Headwaters Outfitters Guide:
“I can give you some recommendations on flies and what is hatching. In May, the golden stoneflies, and yellow sally are hatching, The Mayflies that you may see include Lt. Cahills, Sulfurs, March Browns, Green Drakes, and Blue Duns. For Caddis, you may see the Black Caddis, Cinnamon Caddis, and Dark Blue Sedge. Here are some suggested flies.”
Dry Flies: 14 16
Elk Hair Caddis Black and Brown 14 16
Lt Cahill Paradun 14 16 18
March Brown 10 12
Pink Cahill Dun 14
Sulfur Paradun 14 16 18
Golden Stone 6 8
Spring Fly 8 10
Yellow Sally 14 16
Cubby Chernobyl Yellow 6 8
Pheasant Tail 14 16
clinger nymph 12 14
Hares ear 12 16
Wet, Pheasant tail 16 18
Caddis Pupa Black 16 18
Caddis Pupa Green 14 16
Girdle Bug brown 6 8
Girdle Bug Yellow 8 10
Caddis PC Emerger Brown 14 16