CFFC Board of Directors Meeting
Call to order at 6:32 PM
Bill Jewett, Tina Jewett, Dennis Johnson, Dennis West, Bob Dewey, Bob Martin, Steve Patterson, Joyce Shepherd, DJ Smith, Kathleen Bergeron
Presidents Report
Proposed budget for the 2024 year. To vote next meeting.
2024 Proposed CFFC Budget
Treasurer/Admin. $3,500.00
Storage shed
Communications expenses
Go Daddy Updates $ 1,020.00
Membership $150.00
(including Gary Jones Legacy)
Trips/Outings $850.00
Education $150.00
Raffles $800.00
Events (Picnic/Banquet) Included total cost of 2023 events $5498.00
Communications (included in Treasurer)
FFI Insurance $350.00
River Course (1 Boy &1 Girl) $500.00
RRTU $250.00
WOTF $250.00
Casting Carolina $500.00 *
Project Healing Waters Shed Usage only.
*If we donate. $500 to Casting Carolinas. We will then. Be sponsoring. Their October fishing
tournament. And with that? We will be placed on all their banners for the year. As well as the T-
shirts for the tournament. And on Facebook. Instagram and their website. I feel this would be a great way. For the club. To get noticed even more. And possibly be able to get some new members.
*The Director. Of casting Carolinas is Starr Nolan. She has stated that she would have no
problem having somebody come and speak to the club in the middle of the year when we don't have any speakers yet.
-Grant from Bass Pro. No more Science on the fly requirement to obtain donations from BassPro.
Treasurer Report
2023 Expenditures (amount shown in USD)
101 for storage unit
54. for admin
336 for shelves for shed
159 for Zoom
Monthly meetings speaker donation $100 a month (only 200 were actually donated this
past year due to speakers not accepting them)
Picnic was 2k
Trip spring 1313/ fall 1327 (whistle stop spring and fall)
335 FFI insurance
264.84 for WOTF donations.
Banquet 1800, and 1600 for caterer (3.2k total)
Website paid for (3k)
Raffles $800 budgeted. Bass Pro donated $100 from them.
Charities and Conservation Possibilities
-Casting Carolinas (Star Nolan POC) is local for women with any cancer. The proposed budget will be 500 as a donation.
-Science on the Fly: Report for what they have done so far, FFI funded a year ago to set up sites. No feedback from results from the sites. Still analyzing data. 1200/year to supply equipment, sending for analyzing. Dept of Quality for sites to use. NC Stream Watch, no price no cost for us. Simply looking and reporting to them, doing analysis on what is in the stream and in the area. NC side of science on the fly, survey a river and sending analysis for more focus on conservation for FFI, SEC, etc. Tabled until next year for updating to Science on the Fly conservation donation.
-Project Healing Waters 20K they have in their chapter. Hold off making donations due to what their corporate does. Keep their part of the shed as a donation.
Motion to adjourn DJ Smith, seconded by Joyce Shepherd.
1929 adjournment.