To Join CFFC and FFI -
CFFC is a Charter Club of the FFI (Fly Fishers International), and membership requires that you are a member in good standing with both the CFFC and the FFI. By signing up with the Combo General Membership, you will have only one invoice, which will help keep track of the memberships. CFFC will forward the money directly to the FFI and will keep you notified of the FFI renewal dates along with the CFFC.
If you are presently a member of the FFI and want to join CFFC, please contact our Membership Committee at [email protected], and we will make adjustments.
If you prefer to join by mail or in person, simply print and complete the Membership Application and mail it with the appropriate membership fee to the address provided on the application or bring it to the next meeting. CFFC will accept checks, money order, credit cards, or cash.
Renewal of your membership
To renew your membership online, change your membership level, or update your information. Log in and click on the "View Profile" link under your name in the upper right-hand corner. This will take you to your profile page, where you may renew or make your changes. If you want to change your password, click on the link below for "Change Password" and follow the instructions.
If you prefer to renew by mail or in person, simply print and complete the Membership Application and mail it with the appropriate membership fee to the address provided on the application or bring it to the next meeting. CFFC will accept checks, money order, credit cards, or cash.
If you have any questions, contact the membership director at: [email protected]
Please read: The online application does not constitute acceptance. We (the Board of Directors) reserve the right to refuse any application at our discretion. The Carolina Fly Fishing Club, Its Board of Directors, Officers, or Members do not accept any responsibility for personal injury, accidents, or liability for lawsuits resulting from the participation before, during, or after any scheduled or unscheduled event of the Carolina Fly Fishing Club. In other words, you are joining and participating at your own risk. Submission of a completed online membership or a signed application is an acknowledgment that you have read, understand, and accept this information.
Select membership level below